nanoFRET projects

He who has a “why” to live for can bear with almost any “how”.
(Friedrich Nietzsche)
Our current and former research projects.

- Laboratory for Advanced Nano-Optical Biosensing (John R. Evans Leaders Funds: 2024 – 2027)

- Upconversion materials for energy transfer based biosensing and bioimaging (Discovery Grant: 2024 – 2029)

- Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) in Nano-Optical Biosensing and Molecular Diagnostics (2023 – 2031)

- multiTG-miRNAs (2023 – 2025): Early cancer diagnosis by multiple time-resolved detection of miRNAs (WINNINGNormandy Fellowship)
- THERnanoSTICS (2022 – 2024): Development of Theranostic Nanomaterials for Optical Imaging in the NIR-II Window and Photoactivated Chemotherapy (WINNINGNormandy Fellowship)

- FRETiculous (2021 – 2024): Lanthanide-to-quantum dot energy transfer for advanced biosensing and live-cell imaging

- FRET-up (2020 – 2023): Nanoparticules de conversion ascendante pour la biodétection et l’imagerie de fluorescence / Nanoparticelle in grado di dare upconversion per biosensing e imaging basato su fluorescenza (Collaboration with the University of Padova)

- Nanosuspect (2020 – 2023): Nanoparticle-surface-spectroscopy – Probing nanosurface-environment interactions by Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) from lanthanide complexes to quantum dots (Collaboration with the University of Copenhagen)

- COBRA-FRET (2019 – 2022): Détection et imagerie de fluorescence ultrasensible et multiplexé pour l’analyse des acides nucléiques (Chaire d’Excellence – Réseaux d’Intérêts Normands)

- PLASMOFRET (2021 – 2023): Plasmon-Enhanced FRET for Ultrasensitive Multiplexed Biosensing

- MANBAMM (2022 – 2025): Multicomponent Analysis of Nano-Bio-Assemblies using Microfluidic Modulation
- LaPin (2020 – 2024): Lanthanide-Loaded Polymer Nanoparticles for Autofluorescence-Free In Vitro and In Vivo Biosensing and Imaging
- neutrinos (2016 – 2020): Nanoparticle-Enhanced Ultrasensitive Tracking of Biological Interactions by Optical Sensing
- PhenX (2016 – 2020): Molecular mechanism of Phage-encoded activation of Xer recombination
- amplify (2017 – 2018): Multiplexed diagnostics of microRNA using ultra-sensitive homogeneous FRET detection
- NanoFRET (2012 – 2016): Quantum Dot-based Highly Sensitive Multiplexed FluoroImmunoAssays
- NanoCTC (2011 – 2014): Phenotypic and molecular characterization of circulating tumoral cells relying on the use of photoluminescent nanoparticles to quantify proteins and nucleic acids of interest.

- MULTIPLEX (2021 – 2023): Multiplexed Fluorescence Biosensing with Semiconductor and Polymer Nanoparticles

- ACTION (2021 – 2023): Advanced Diagnostic of Colorectal Cancer: Liquid Biopsy Screening Using Time-Gated FRET

- Upbiosens (2019 – 2021): Near-infrared nucleic acids sensing and imaging using lanthanide-based nanoparticles capped with DNA (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship of Laura Francés-Soriano)

- GYNO-MIR (2017 – 2020): Place des microARN plasmatiques comme nouveaux biomarqueurs dans les cancers gynécologiques (cancer l’endomètre et de l’ovarie)

- QuantumDope (2016 – 2019): Doped quantum dots for photoluminescence lifetime multiplexing (PhD fellowship of Chi Chen)
- Quanticorps (2016 – 2017): Conjugaison directe entre des boîtes quantiques et des anticorps pour des immunodosages de FRET ultrasensibles
- DARN (2015 – 2016): Détection homogène et multiplexée de microARN

- DNA-FRET (2016 – 2020): DNA Hybridization FRET Assays for Multiplexed Diagnostics (PhD fellowship of Jingyue Xu)
- TR-FRIM (2015 – 2019): Time-resolved multiplexed Förster resonance energy transfers for cell imaging of protein-protein interactions based on Tb complexes and quantum dots (PhD fellowship of Jiajia Guo)
- FRETnostics (2012 – 2016): Development of quantum dot-based time-resolved multiplexed FRET biosensors for in vitro and in vivo diagnostics (PhD fellowship of Xue Qiu)

- UPCON-DNA (2018 – 2019): NIR biosensing using lanthanide-based nanoparticles capped with DNA (Postdoc fellowship of Laura Francés-Soriano)

- PROSEQO (2016 – 2019): Protein Sequencing Using Optical Single Molecule Real-Time Detection

- MultiSens (2015 – 2019): Multiplexed Homogeneous Micro-RNA Sensors and Singlet-Oxygen-Transfer Immunoassays

- nanohype (2015 – 2018): Nanoparticle Hybrid Materials Using Plasmonic-Enhanced Upconversion FRET for Multiplexed Sensing and Optical Barcoding

- AMPLINOSTIC (2016 – 2017): Development of a diagnostic kit for multiplexed detection of micro-RNAs
- NanoTRAM (2015 – 2016): FRET and FLIM nanobiosensors for characterizing nanoparticle-mediated drug delivery and drug efficacy inside the cell

- FRETimage (2014 – 2017): Terbium-to-quantum dot FRET for highly sensitive multiplexed live-cell imaging

- OncoTrack (2011 – 2016): Methods for systematic next generation oncology biomarker development

- NanoSens (2012 – 2015): Systematic Investigations of Semiconductor Nanoparticle Dimensions and Surfaces for FRET-based Biosensing Applications

- NANOGNOSTICS (2009 – 2013): Quantum Dot-Based Highly Sensitive Immunoassays for Multiplexed Diagnostics of Alzheimer’s Disease.